Saturday, November 14, 2009

Post-Op - Day 2

Friday night, I was supposed to be at Old Ironside's in Sacramento at The Brodys show. Pamm and Nathan were coming in from Alaska - so we had decided to take a quick trip up north.

Instead, I spent Friday night with an ice pack on my ultra-swollen right knee, drugged up and watching TV as Mike headed up to Sacramento to hang out in my hometown without me.

Late in the day on Friday, I had noticed that whenever I'd get up and walk around the house (with crutches, of course), my right foot would start to turn purple. I can understand that it was probably the blood rushing from my knee to my foot. Seeing that I'm not Barney, it was a little unnerving. I called my doctor's office at 4:30 - and they said that I may need to loosen up some of the bandages if loosening up the brace doesn't do the trick. But, that I'm also not supposed to touch the dressing. I'm still trying to figure out how to get this done.

I was also concerned that when I walk around the house, it feels like the monster of a brace is falling down, and pulling the dressing down with it. I'm worried that I'll pull the stitches out if I continue to walk around. Not so, said my doctor's office. The stitches are knotted in and won't be pulled out by the gauze. Whew. That's good. Now I just have to make sure that the brace is on tight at the top and tight at the bottom to hold it in place. Not an easy task when your knee is the size of a regulation basketball.

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