Friday, November 20, 2009

Let's Try Something New

On Tuesday, my doctor told me that I could sleep without a brace on if I'd like. Many of you would think that I would jump at the opportunity. And in some other circumstance, maybe I would. If I hadn't dreamt about straightening my leg the first night home from New Zealand - and then waking up screaming in pain (because I slept without a brace), I probably would have taken him up on the offer right away.

Instead, I waited a couple of days.

Tonight is Friday and it will be the first night I'm brace-less (GASP!). I'm just slightly nervous and hoping not to dream about straight leg poses in yoga, hamstring stretches from a standing position, racewalking, a follow through on a kick - or pretty much anything else that requires a straight leg. And if I do - you, you over there in Siberia, will probably hear it.

I have seen a bit of improvement in range of motion over the last two or three days. I've been consistently attempting to sit with my leg straight out - and on several occasions, have been able to get the back of the leg flat on the couch. Granted, a couch (or bed for that matter), isn't a solid surface, so I might be tricking myself into thinking I am fully extended. If the soreness is any indication, yeah, I think it's fully extended. Now, I just want to start building muscle back. I've never had legs this skinny!

At one point on Wednesday, I was also able to bend it about 90 degrees. That was huge! It took me a while to get it out of that position, but wow! After coming back from NZ, it took about a month and at least six sessions of physical therapy to get it at 90 degrees.

Of course, today, I think I overdid it a bit. Was out of the house at an all-day meeting and dang, is this thing sore. On the way home from work (Mike and Campbell were so gracious to drive 25 miles each way to pick me up), the hole under the centered band-aid in the photo below started having - all I can describe them as - labor pains. It felt like someone was sticking a needle into the wound and then it would be gone. Two minutes later, they'd stick another needle. Again, then it'd be gone. This went on the entire 25 miles home. Mike told me that's what it feels like when it's healing. I just hope I don't have to feel it on the other four holes!

Here's what my leg looks like after walking on it all day at a meeting. Ouch.

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